Mission Statements | Values Statements
A Mission is a Purpose. It defines your core identity, your raison d'etre. A Mission is why you get up every morning.
"I (we) am (are) here
to make the world (or part of it) [better, faster, nicer, cleaner,
etc.] through my (our) ability to [run, jump, sing, produce,
The Mission gives a context for your Vision. Without a clear Mission, a Vision can have no clear focus and direction.
A Mission is frequently part of a company's U.S.P. (Unique Selling Proposition) and can be easily described and explained by any member of the company.
"A company is not
a machine but a living organism, and much, like an individual,
it can have a collective sense of identity and fundamental purpose.
This is the organizational equivalent of self-knowledge—a shared
understanding of what the company stands for, where it's going,
what kind of world it wants to live in, and most importantly,
how it intends to make that world a reality."
—Ikujiro Nonaka
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