Profitable Solutions Institute, Inc.
and its President, Lynn Hoopingarner, have been quoted in the
media as recognized experts on various business issues over the
years. To read any article click on the publication name to view the PDF file in a new window.
Investment Advisor February, 2000
"The Virtual Manager"
Accounting Today May
27, 1999
"Y2K Bug Most Likely To bite Small Business"
Street Journal May 25, 1999
"Dueling Surveys"
U.S.A. Today May
14, 1999
"Small Business Run Into Y2K Problems"
Los Angeles Times February
3, 1999
"Work Is Getting Bigger Than The Both of Them"
Los Angeles Times October
22, 1997
"Getting It Down On Paper"
Woman May/June 1996
"The Power of One"